Last updated Feb 16, 2023

These Terms of Service ('Terms') constitute a legally binding agreement between Validly Pty Ltd, trading as Juno ('Juno', 'the Company', 'we', 'us') and the individual or entity agreeing to these terms ('Licensee', 'you'). the legal basis for your access and use of Juno’s proprietary online software, which provides identity verification services (“Solution”). These Terms cover any kind of use and features offered through the Solution, including the use of an API, integrated application, browser extension, downloadable software, or Juno’s website (the “Site”). The Solution, the Site, and any feature, functionality, data, and content therein will be referred to as the “Services”.

By accessing, using, downloading, or installing the Services, you acknowledge that you have read these Terms and our Privacy Policy, which is incorporated herein by reference and may be amended from time to time (collectively “the Terms”). You agree to be bound by these Terms and to fully comply with them. If you do not agree to any of the Terms, you should immediately stop using the Services. In this case, you may not download, copy, access, or install the Solution or use any of our Services in any manner whatsoever.

The Services are not offered to individual users. Licensee hereby represents and warrants that it has the right to provide Juno with the information provided through the Services, and that, if Licensee’s email account is owned by its employer, Licensee is authorised to sign up for the Services. If Licensee does not have such right or authorisation, Licensee may not use the Services. By subscribing to the Services, Licensee’s representative subscribing to the Services will bind the legal entity on behalf of whom it is subscribing. If you are using Juno as a member of an organisation or using your organisation’s email domain (thereby representing yourself as a member of the organisation), you hereby confirm that Juno may share your email address and plan information with an authorised agent of your company upon request in order for them to administer the account for the company.

1. Software as a Service.

Subject to the terms and conditions of these Terms, Juno grants to Licensee a non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, non-transferable, and limited right throughout the applicable subscription period to use and access the Solution solely for Licensee’s internal business use and for Licensee’s own operations, all as specified in the applicable Purchase Order.

2. Creating an Account.

In order to fully use the Services, you must register and create an account. Creating your account can be done by providing specific details (e.g. full name, email address, etc.) through the Site. You agree to keep your account credentials secret and secure. You also agree to inform us immediately of any unauthorised use of your account. By accepting the Terms, you declare that you are responsible for all activities taken under your account. Once you create an account, you will automatically join our mailing list. You can choose to remove your email address from that mailing list by choosing the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of any email communication we send to you. We may cancel your access to the Services and terminate your account, at our sole consideration, at any time and for any reason, with or without notice to you.

3. Changes to the Terms.

We reserve the right to modify, change, suspend or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, the Solution, Services or any portion of which (the “Changes”) with or without notice with no liability, at any time and for any reason, including without limitation any Changes which may be done automatically for the purpose of improving, enhancing or debugging versions of the Solution or other aspects of the Services. We will notify you of any material change via the Site or Services (including without limitation by sending you an email notification) by any other form prior to those material changes becoming effective. Otherwise, any other, non-material change, will be effective upon the “last updated” date stated at the top of these Terms.

By using the Solution or Services provided by Validly Pty Ltd, trading as Juno ('Juno'), you agree to the following Terms of Use:

Changes to the Terms of Use Juno reserves the right to revise these Terms of Use at any time. Your continued use of the Solution or Services after any such revisions constitutes your full and irrevocable acceptance of the changes. If you do not agree with the revised Terms of Use, your sole remedy is to discontinue using the Solution and Services and cancel your registration.

4. Support Services

Juno will provide reasonable support for the Services, including tools to help users address frequently asked questions and additional technical and general support issues. Juno also reserves the right to change, reduce, limit, or terminate its maintenance and support efforts. Intellectual Property Rights All intellectual property rights in the Solution, Database, and any part thereof, as well as any derivatives, changes, and improvements thereof, are exclusively owned by Juno. Juno's profiles may reference links to other websites ("Linked Sites"), but Juno does not endorse or have any affiliation with the Linked Sites and is not responsible for any of the content on the Linked Sites. You shall not use any trade name, trademark, service mark, brand or logo of Juno, or any link to a Juno website, for any purpose other than in connection with this Agreement, including, without limitation, in any communications using data from Juno, without Juno's prior written consent.

5. Licensee Obligations

You, as the Licensee, agree to the following obligations: (i) not to attempt to interfere with the Solution, infiltrate, hack, reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Solution or the Database; (ii) to use the Data for your internal business purposes only (which includes marketing to prospective and current Licensees or recruitment purposes); (iii) not to publish, distribute, share, sell, lease, transfer, or otherwise make the Data available to any third person or entity, and to use your best efforts to prevent the misuse or unauthorised use of the Data by any third person or entity; (iv) not to sublicense your right to access and use the Solution or provide remote access to the Solution to any unauthorised person; (v) not to use the Data to compile similar databases or services; (vi) not to use the Solution to determine a consumer's eligibility for credit or insurance for personal, family, or household purposes, employment, or governmental license or benefit, or for any purpose covered by the Fair Credit Reporting Act; (vii) not to violate third parties' rights to privacy and other rights; (viii) not to use the Solution in any way that can be deemed to be stalking, offensive, abusive, defamatory, fraudulent or deceptive, threatening, advocating harassment or intimidation; (ix) not to use the Solution or the Data in violation of any applicable law or in any way that promotes illegal activities, including, without limitation, privacy and data protection and SPAM laws; (x) not to disparage or misrepresent the capabilities or reputation of Juno; (xi) not to disclose the source of the Data provided by Juno.

Participants are required to provide certain contact details, including names and emails, for the purpose of managing and coordinating interviews. These details are used solely for the purpose stated and are not shared with any third parties. Participants previously created accounts to join a session; this requirement will be lifted in the near future

6. Governing Law

These terms and conditions are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of New South Wales, Australia. Any disputes concerning this Website are to be resolved by the courts having jurisdiction in New South Wales. We retain the right to bring proceedings against you for breach of these Terms and Conditions, in your country of residence or any other appropriate country or jurisdiction.